
For Lewis

Students fundraise for Manchester Children's Hospital

For Lewis


Grim Tales!

Students rise to the challenge set by a Young Writers competition

Grim Tales!


Supporting 'Salford to Calais'

Assemblies this week invite students and staff to come together to raise funds and supplies in support of the refugee crisis. 

Supporting 'Salford to Calais'


'Make and Take'

Prospective students encouraged to listen, learn and create at Open Evening 

'Make and Take'


Open Events

Salford City Academy opens its doors to prospective parents.

Open Events


Stepping Stones

A group of Year 6 pupils due to start at the academy in September 2015 visited for a Stepping Stones day on the 22nd June 2015. 

Stepping Stones


On Yer Bike!

Salford City Academy’s Mikolaj Robak samples the wacky and wonderful world of Manchester’s Alternative Bike Co

On Yer Bike!


Youth Day Award Nominee

We are extremely proud to announce that Year 7 student Alex Vongtanasopon-Norris has been selected for the Inspiring Young People Award.

Youth Day Award Nominee


Farewell Mrs Hughes!

Academy Sixth Formers organised a surprise leaving party for much loved Science Teacher Mrs Hughes. 

Farewell Mrs Hughes!


Sports Day

Students and staff join together for a day of sporting fun!

Sports Day



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