At Salford City Academy, we understand that starting high school is a challenging yet an exciting time for both students and parents. Therefore, to help ensure a smooth transition, we work closely with our feeder primary schools and make sure they are fully prepared to begin their journey with us here. This is why we created our transition programme, Step Up to SCA. Within Step Up, we offer events for primary school children and their parents from Year 3 to Year 6 to ensure you have all the information you need to make the right decision.
Thank you for choosing Salford City Academy for your child's secondary school, we look forward to welcoming them to the SCA community!
Our Transition team here at SCA are dedicated to making sure that all students experience a smooth transition process to secondary school, and we are here to help every step of the way.
Students with individual needs will be offered a range of extra support where appropriate.
These may include; extra visits to SCA and individual meetings with key school staff such as The SENDCO, their new from tutor and also the Head of Year 7.
Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any further assistance or information about our transition process:
Email: sarah.johnson@salfordcity-academy.org
Call: 0161 789 5359